
Final Project Video

Image This is the link to our final project video We are required to produce a video with the maximum duration of 7 minutes. The video must explain the following components:  • Explanation on how the data travels from Lecturer’s PC to ULearn System Server. Be creative and precise to get better marks.  • Elaborate the findings and the experience that your team had discovered while conducting this project

TCP/IP Setting Manual

How to  have correctly identified the IP address for the ULearn System Server. The Figure 1 shows the IP configuration of the computer. To display all the current IP configuration, type in  ipconfig/all  on the command   prompt which obtain from DHCP server. Figure 1 : Command Prompt for all the IP Configuration Type in  ipconfig/release  to release the IP address that have assigning from the DHCP server as shown as Figure 2. It shows that this computer no longer have IPv4 configuration. Figure 2 : Command Prompt for Releasing IP Address To manually assign TCP/IP address, open the control panel as shown as Figure 3. At the network and internet, click view network status and task.   Figure 3 : The Control Panel   From this page as shown as Figure 4, click change adapter setting to display all the network connections. Figure 4 : The Network and Sharing Center     The next step is right click on WiFi and choose pro...